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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Sushi Bowls

This week I am sharing my favorite recipe for a Sushi Bowl. Now don't say ick before you read on, there is no raw fish in this recipe since it is based on the California Roll. I know there are a lot of people out there that will maintain that the California Roll is not really sushi and they have many points. I consider the California Roll to be a very “Americanized” sushi selection. I also feel it is probably the best introduction to sushi for most Americans. Traditionally we don't consume raw fish here and for many it is a scary/disgusting idea. I have to admit I was apprehensive before I tried it but I found I actually really love sushi of pretty much every variety.

For those of you that do like more traditional sushi I have made this many times with raw fish and it is excellent that way too. Since I moved a year ago from Oregon to North Dakota I haven't yet found a source of sushi grade fish. While I do like sushi with raw fish I am very picky about where that fish comes from.

So if you have a favorite sushi just follow my instructions here for the rice and layer on your favorite sushi ingredients.

For the blog post I did leave off the Wasabi paste that is traditional, sometimes I do add it but not always. I felt a lot of you would not be wanting that many flavors that were unfamiliar to your taste buds. Also there is (or can be) plenty of kick in the Sriracha mayo.

I know a lot of recipes call for crumbling/breaking up nori snack sheets over the bowl. I have tried that and I feel it really doesn't add that much so I don't normally include it. If you aren't familiar with nori snacks they are small sheets of the same stuff that a lot of sushi is rolled up in. (that would be the dark green layer you see on sushi on display or in pictures)

For the fillings here I used the ones that are most common in a California Roll- cucumber, carrot, avocado and imitation crab. I know some people do use real crab in their rolls but I think it is a waste to use real crab when the other flavors and textures are going to overpower it. I prefer to save my real crab for dishes where I can fully enjoy it.

I am going to give just approximate amounts of the topping ingredients since you can really use any amount to suit your appetite and taste preference. I will give the exact amounts for the rice and the mixture that mixes with it.

Speaking of the rice, you will need a short grain rice and it cooks a bit differently that other rices you may have used in the past. I really like the Sushi Rice from Rice Select. It has always been really easy to work with and has a wonderful taste and texture. Any short grain rice will work here.

After the rice is cooked (and this is a multi-step process) you will mix the rice with a hot vinegar mixture that will give it that signature sushi flavor. Please don't skip any of the steps on the rice. And also as a note I have found because this rice takes a much different ratio of water to rice that standard long grain rice I really don't like the texture if I try to take the easy way out and use a rice cooker. Just cook it on the stove top following my directions and it will be much better and very easy.

The mixture to add to rice I mentioned contains rice vinegar, sugar, and salt. It is all the seasoning you will add to the rice and it will taste like the rice from your favorite sushi shop.

For the uninitiated Sriracha Mayo may seem a bit daunting but I love the stuff and make it often not only for Asian inspired dishes but for fries to go with a burger. It is simply a mixture of Sriracha sauce and mayonnaise, up to 1 part Sriracha to 2 parts mayo. If you haven't tried this before go easy and taste as you add the sriracha to the mayo until you reach the correct heat level. You will want it just a bit too spicy since the rice and other toppings will mellow it a bit.

Youcan find a downloadable/printable copy of the recipe here.

Sushi Bowls


1 cup short grain rice

1 cup water

1 Tablespoon rice vinegar

1 Tablespoon sugar

½ teaspoon salt

Toppings (this is just a suggestion if you have a favorite Sushi use those toppings instead)

3 oz imitation crab (or real crab if you prefer)

¾ cup shredded carrot

¾ cup diced cucumber

1 avocado, sliced

Sriracha Mayo

2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise

1 Tablespoon Sriracha (or to taste)

Start by thoroughly rinsing the rice. I like to put into the pan I'm going to cook it in and fill that about ½ way with cold water and swish the rice around. Then drain in a fine strainer. Follow up by rinsing under running water until the water runs clear.

Now place the rice and an equal amount of water in small saucepan. Over high heat bring to a boil, immediately turn the element down to the lowest setting and cover the pan. Allow to cook on low for 15 minutes. At this time turn the heat off and leave the pan still covered on the element for an additional 10 minutes.

While the rice cooks combine the Mayonnaise with Sriracha to taste and set aside.

Now let's get ready to season the rice. In a micowaveable container combine the vinegar, sugar and salt. Heat to melt the sugar, about 20 to 30 seconds.

When the rice is done place the rice in a medium size bowl add the hot vinegar mixture and mix thoroughly.

Divide the rice equally between two bowls and top with the desired toppings. I like to keep the toppings separate for presentation.

Drizzle the Sriracha Mayo over the top to taste.

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