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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Meaty Spaghetti Sauce


It seemed like the universe decided I was going to be eating spaghetti this last week. It seemed like everywhere I looked I was seeing pictures of yummy pasta covered in luscious red sauce. It started innocently with the cover of the latest Food Network Magazine with a big old plate of Spaghetti that was perfectly plated with meatballs placed in the perfect location. Then two of my favorite YouTube creators made their versions of spaghetti on their weekly vlogs. Then there was the flip through of my favorite cookbook that landed on a picture of, you guessed it Spaghetti sauce! I decided to just go with the massive number of hints being sent my way and made up a batch of one of my favorite sauces. This is the recipe I dig out when I want to do a little extra and make it a little bit special.

This sauce is one that cooks on the stove-top for a couple of hours so allow some time. It needs at least 90 minutes but 2 hours is way better. More time is also good for this one. I have cooked mine for up to 4 hours before, just be sure to check it often and add water as needed. You don't want it to scorch after all the love you put into it. Now just because it takes a while it is not a hard recipe, in fact it is pretty easy to make and since it does cook for a while you can get it started then clean up and all you really need to do at dinner time is cook some pasta and plate it up. Oh, and take all the compliments if you serve this to someone special.

A little background on this recipe since I was asked recently where I find my recipes. This is one I've been making for many years. I combined a basic recipe with things I loved from a couple of other really good recipes and this is the result. I really can't tell you how many times I've made this but it is a lot. I used to make a much larger version when my kids were growing up. Then as they moved out on their own I scaled the recipe down. Now it makes about 3 good size servings. I love how meaty it is and if you have any leftover it freezes really well. One of my favorite uses for the leftovers is to freeze them in about 1 cup portions. Then when I need a fast dinner I pull out that along with a pre-cooked pizza crust and all you need to add is cheese to get a really yummy pizza. If you have other toppings all the better but a great quick meal when you are running late.

Over the years I've tried many meats in this sauce. Italian sausage is really good but kind of a waste in opinion. The sauce is so flavorful that the sausage can get lost. I do use it sometimes though. I tried ground turkey (and ground chicken) and found it to be too bland and I didn't really enjoy the texture. For me good old ground beef has the best flavor and texture in this. But feel free to use whatever you love.

I added the mushrooms in to the sauce a long time ago, first to stretch the meat a bit but also to give a good rich flavor and even my mushroom hating sons would eat them if there weren't too many.

You can find the printable PDF of this recipe here.

Meaty Spaghetti Sauce

½ lb ground beef

½ to ¾ cup chopped mushrooms

¾ cup chopped onion

1 teaspoon chopped garlic


1 teaspoon Italian herbs

1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce

1 (6 oz) can tomato paste

1 cup water (you might need more later)

In a medium saucepan cook the ground beef until it starts to release some fat.


At this point add the mushrooms and onions. Cook until the meat is cooked through and the veggies are soft.

Drain any excess fat from the pan, then add the garlic and cook until it is fragrant.


Add the Italian herbs and give them a minute or so to become fragrant. (I find this releases a lot more of their flavor)

Add the tomato sauce, tomato paste, water and a bit of salt and pepper. Stir to combine well.

Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and allow to simmer, covered for at least 90 minutes. 2 hours is better and more time is good too.

Check the pan from time to time and stir it to prevent your sauce from scorching. After about an hour start tasting for seasoning. If it needs more salt and/or pepper add small amounts and allow to cook for a while before tasting again.

When ready to eat cook about 2 oz of pasta per person and serve.

To serve this I like to toss my cooked spaghetti with some of the sauce in a bowl to coat then transfer to the plate and add more sauce on top.

Don't forget the Parmesan cheese.

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